Friday, November 14, 2008

Hello Everyone,
There will be a change in my Museum Schedule, Saturday Nov. 15th I will be going to the New Britain Museum of American Art. They have a great web site, check it out. I will return Sunday hopefully with lots of pictures.



  1. Linda, did you get to go to the New Britain Museum of American Art? I am anxious to hear what you thought of it. I am hoping to get there after the Thanksgiving holiday. Do you have a blog address also?

  2. Helen, yes I did go to the New Britain Museum of American Art. I was a great Museum. The most interesting was on the second floor there was young local artist work that was displayed, I enjoyed their work. You will enjoy this museum. I am having Jerry help me with setting up my blog address. I am not sure how to do this. I will let you know when I figure it out.
    Thanks Helen

