Sunday, November 30, 2008

Linda's experience at the Yale University Art Gallery and the Yale Center for British Art

Hello Everyone-

This weekend, my daughter and I went to both the Yale University Art Gallery and the Yale Center for British Art. We went on Saturday, which turned out to be a nice, sunny, but cold day, and spent about 2 hours at each place. This was my first time at the University Art Gallery, so I did not know what to expect. I was really impressed with the extensive collections of African and Asian Art. I plan on including a picture of one of my favorite masks on my blog. Since I had already been to the British Art Museum, I was looking forward to seeing all of the magnificent paintings. What impressed me the most was how large some of the paintings are!! After spending the day at the museums, we had lunch at one of the many Thai restaurants in downtown New Haven. It was a great day!

Let each man exercise the art he knows.

Hey everyone, Hope your holiday was good. Friday I visit what had to be one of the coolest museum of this experience, The Guggenheim in New York. The museum has been transformed into an entire exhibit that interacts with the vistiors and leaves the interpretation of whats going on to the viewer.For $250 you can literally spend the night at the museum in a make shift hotel room with a bed, dresser, and black silk sheets and have access to the entire museum for your leisure and pleasure.
This is a must see!

Visit my blog for more pics.


Mars and Venus United by Love at the Met

Not taken with my camera but downloaded from
This painting was done by Paolo Veronese (1528-1588). As I was visiting the museum with my boyfriend instead of my sister, it caught my eye. Notice how Cupid is tying the leg of Mars (God of War) to Venus (Goddess of Love) with a love knot!

Notice also how the horse of Mars is being restrained, promoting harmony and goodwill.
Veronese was considered a master of light and color. It is hard to tell by these pictures but Mars is wearing a beautiful satin cloak and Venus is wearing pearls around her neck and in her hair. It's also hard to see but milk is also flowing from the breast of Venus which symbolizes the nurturing effects of love.
My boyfriend was more interested in the Hungarian swords and shields of the 1500's in the Arms and Armor section - need I say more?