Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Jinnie's Visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art

I schedule two events this day, the museum and my annual Christmas dinner with friends. I had made plans to meet with friends for dinner atfter my visit to The Metropolitan Museum. This place was beautiful and enormous. It was very busy this day too. Among the crowd here, I was able to see the Annual Christmas Tree! The beautiful ornaments of porcelain angels and the lighting around tree was so bright that it brought life to this tree. Unfortunately my feet were killing me because I just purchased new boots and I didn't think in bringing my sneakers with me, dummy me. Overall I had a wonderful experience! I was able to manage my walks through the Modern Art Galleries, the Greek and Roman Art, Medieval Art and Egyptian Art to which all exhibitions were absolutely fascinating. Here I am in the Egyptian Art Exhibition and most of this work were actually embedded in the wall. It was so awesome to see in person!


  1. Jinnie, how did you manage to snap a picture of the tree? The day I went the guards were everywhere reminding people no photography allowed of the tree. It was spectacular, wasn't it? I plan to go back to NY in the spring and see more of the museum since so many sections were closed when I was there in November. I'll remember to wear my sneakers!

  2. Great Jinnie... Actually you are showing us the Assyrian section... the birthplace of civilization about 10,000 years ago...

    I was just at the Met yesterday with my Grandson, Daughter in law and Mother.... a family day!
